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  • Yesterday: God as explained by my Grandma

    Yesterday: God as explained by my Grandma0

    Yesterday was a rough day. We witnessed my grandmother—born in a small Italian village at the end of the first world war—being put to rest after a rich 98-year-and-4-month life. Growing up, I often heard stories of how strong she was, both physically and otherwise, lifting bundles of firewood and handling harvest baskets as well

  • Business vs. Busyness

    Business vs. Busyness0

    Business is a system for providing valuable service to others. Starting a business means that you’re dedicating yourself to developing and implementing a new system of rendering service. This probably involves a large investment of time, but that time is spent in an organized way with specific goals in mind. Once the system is up

  • Your Favorite Proverb

    Your Favorite Proverb0

    Every now and then you’ll hear an expression that immediately resonates with you. It touches a spot deep within and brings to mind a truth you’ve always known. The crude elements of that truth, formed through various life experiences, connect into a cohesive idea in your mind when presented simply and eloquently as a proverb.

  • Feynman Method: Earning a Million Dollars

    Feynman Method: Earning a Million Dollars0

    I recently read an article about Richard Feynman, the greatly admired scientist and nice guy. Before reading on, I urge you to check out the article to learn the amazing technique Feynman used to help share his understanding of an incredibly complex field (quantum physics) with countless people. Basically, the article explains Feynman’s unique teaching